Kelli Vickrey

Kelli Vickrey
Health Services
Kelli is a family nurse practitioner who has worked in family practice doing house calls, as well as occupational health including workers compensation and Department of Labor (DOL). Prior to becoming a Nurse Practitioner, she worked as a critical care Registered Nurse in emergency room and ICU for 8 years. She was certified in emergency nursing (CEN) and critical care nursing (CCRN) - as well as advanced life support (ACLS), trauma nursing (TNCC) and pediatric trauma (ENPC). She earned her Bachelors degree in nursing from Texas Woman’s University in Houston and her Masters degree in nursing (FNP) from Texas Woman’s University in Dallas.
She lives in Mansfield, Texas with her husband, 2 daughters, and 2 french bulldogs. Her hobbies include “who-dunnit” shows, interior design, and real estate.
“My favorite part of being a nurse is the special relationships and bonds I form with my patients. It’s the most rewarding job on earth. Becoming a nurse practitioner has broadened my abilities to take even better care of my patients and allows me to form even closer bonds. I want to be there for people to celebrate their good times and support them during their worst. I will always go to bat for my patients and have their best interest at heart.”
- Kelli Vickrey, MS, APRN, FNP
You will be seeing “direct primary care” practices more and more. Why? Because more and more providers and patients alike are becoming increasingly frustrated by the complex nature of insurance reimbursements, and having their patient care be dictated by insurance companies. Due to low reimbursement rates, providers typically must see upward of 20-30 patients per day for the conventional family practice model to make sense.
By cutting out “the middle man,” we are able to reduce administrative costs related to insurance billing and collections and spend more time and resources where it should be spent - on YOU, the patient!
We don’t need to see as many patients in a DPC model since there is no longer the burdensome overhead cost that accompanies insurance billing and reimbursement. In turn, we can spend more time with each patient. Our visits are usually 30-60 minutes, depending on the problem.
We don’t use our car insurance to change our oil, air our tires, or put gas in the tank. We don’t use our homeowners insurance to unclog the toilet, fix the broken door, or replace a fence. Why are we using health insurance for every little thing and paying massive premiums “just in case?”
This is NOT an insurance policy. In fact, we encourage you to have a basic insurance policy in place for the “bigger” events that might arise - surgeries, hospitalizations, etc. The lower premium, higher deductible plans go very well with this model of practice. For many patients, approximately 80-90% of your healthcare needs can be done through your primary care provider, if they had the time to get you in promptly. Through a DPC model, you won’t have as much need to rack up bills elsewhere.
We have great health share plans available to our patients at a discounted rate, which also pair well with our model of practice. Take back control of your healthcare and start examining the artificially inflated costs. We have teamed up with great imaging companies, lab companies, and specialists to find better pricing for you and ultimately save you money.
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